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Anti-social behaviour and other news.

Hello all.


It was nice to have a few people attend my Lydd surgery on the 15th, thank you to those who were able to make it.


I'm very much aware of the problems we have been having over this half-term week in New Romney with a small minority of teenagers who have caused issues at the Premier store and Greggs and I'm pleased to say that we have identified the main offender who will be dealt with by our Victim Based Crime Team in Folkestone.

Some of the other identified youths who were part of the group have had their parents informed of their child's behaviour and there will be more home visits to come.

We will not tolerate the anti-social behaviour (ASB) and criminality that affects shop workers and residents alike and we will also not tolerate belligerence shown towards my colleagues and I whose valuable time gets taken up by dealing with this small minority of youths who seem to think that they can do whatever they want to do without consequence. At the very least we will do a home visit.



I know that I have posted about the above stop and search criteria before but for parents/guardians of youths who are out and about whether it is half-term or not, please be aware that if the grounds are present for an officer to stop and search your child then we will. I am highlighting this because of the problems that I have mentioned above.

Our stop/searches are heavily scrutinised no matter what age the person is and quite rightly so, and therefore we do not use this power unless the criteria is strictly met. 

**There is also no minimum age limit when it comes to stop and search contrary to what some people believe**


In other news I have received reports of a vehicle that is allegedly being driven carelessly and after overtaking, a bright white light is activated from the rear of this vehicle. I have identified the vehicle but if anyone has experienced this behaviour please contact me direct via email 13183@kent.police.uk and strictly, please do not speculate or share dash-cam footage on social media as this will be unhelpful with my investigation, thank you.


Today, James (PC HOCKLESS) and I had been searching for a wanted person who had been evading us for some time and with the help of our Neighbourhood Task Force colleagues who are based at Folkestone Police Station's Community Safety Unit (CSU) that person is now in custody.


As your Beat Officers, James and I dedicate our time and effort in disrupting those who commit crime and ASB across the Romney Marsh, please remember to ring 999 for a crime in progress.

Any crime or ASB that you are a victim of but is not an emergency, please use the online reporting tool on the Kent Police website.

If you have any information/intelligence, for example suspected drug dealing and you wish to share it with us confidentially, please email 13183@kent.police.uk or 13421@kent.police.uk


Thank you.



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Message Sent By
Steve Putland
(Kent Police, Police Constable, Folkestone Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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