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A little update....

Good Evening, 


As most of you will know I have been working alongside PC Putland now for over 3 months and I thought It was about time to update you all on some of the good work that has been carried out in your area today (12/01/25). 


A small Cannabis cultivation and cannabis bud was located and seized from an address in Lydd which has now been destroyed and the matter has been dealt with. 


Reports of a suspicious vehicle suspected to be hare coursing/poaching in the area of Hope Lane, New Romney which was later stopped and searched. A number of knifes and catapults were seized from the vehicle.


A male was stopped and searched in Littlestone around a week ago and was found in possession of cocaine which has been seized and destroyed. 


If there is anything you would like us to focus/target in your area, please let us know and we will try and keep you updated on how we get on. 


Thank you

PC Hockless 








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Message Sent By
James Hockless
(Kent Police, PC, Folkestone Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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