The Police
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Important! please read and help!

Good Morning!


Hopefully you have noticed that we (Medway's Neighbourhood task force) have been targeting Antisocial behaviour and criminality in Bryant street and the surrounding areas for just under a year as part of Op Neighbourhood, The Clear / Hold / Build Project. 


last March and April we knocked on doors in the area and asked you to complete an initial survey. nearly one year later we want to find out what's gone well and what still need further police attention.


I would massively appreciate it if you could take 10 minutes to complete this survey openly and frankly. Also share it with your neighbours so we can get an idea of what we need to do going forward. 


follow this link to complete our survey. 




Thank you in advance! 


Also could you share with friends and neighbours in the area!! 

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Message Sent By
Sean Humphrey
(Kent Police, PCSO, Medway Neighbourhood Task Force)

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