The Police
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Shop Safe Radio benefits

Dear Sevenoaks business owner,

Police and the Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) called SaferSevenoaks would love to see the radios used to their full potential. The BCRP scheme is a valuable initiative for Sevenoaks and by participating, we strengthen our collective efforts to improve safety, reduce crime and foster a more secure town centre for everyone.

If you are not currently a member and are interested in joining the scheme please reply to this message and I will put you in contact with the BCRP manager.

Please take a moment to watch this video from StroudSafe. It offers an excellent demonstration of how to use the Shop Safe radio and highlights its benefits.

Shop safe training video


If you are currently a member and have any staff who may be unfamiliar with or unsure about using the radio, please share this video with them or incorporate it into a training session.

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Message Sent By
Nick Hubbard
(Kent Police, Police Constable, Sevenoaks Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

Please note that My Community Voice is not for reporting crimes or incidents. Instead you should:

  • Report a non-urgent crimes online: Report | Kent Police
  • Talk to us via our Live Chat by clicking on the blue button on our website: Home | Kent Police
  • If you are hearing or speech impaired, use the textphone service 18000 for emergencies or download the BT Relay app
  • Call 999 in an emergency, if a crime is in progress or life is in danger.

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