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Sport Sessions - Update


Good Afternoon, 

The Sports Connect sessions have been running for 6 weeks over the summer and have been a success with around 70 youths attending so far. They run every Wednesday at Beachfields Park 3-6pm and will continue to do so until the end of October. 

The aim of the project is to provide sports sessions to young people for their enjoyment at to reduce ASB within Sheerness through engaging with the youths attending and providing them with something to do. Sports Connect can also offer any 16 year olds plus the opportunity to gain FREE sports coaching qualifications to aid in future employment or volunteering opportunities. 

If you or anyone you know may be interested in attending, then just turn up to Beachfields on a Wednesday afternoon and join in!


PC Hewes


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Message Sent By
Richard Hewes
(Kent Police, Police Constable, Swale Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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