The Police
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ASB Catapult Awareness Message

Good morning 


As a lot of you may be aware of there is an ongoing ASB issue regarding youths in the rural villages with catapults on the public roads and parks. This is fuelled by Facebook and other social media groups sharing images of animals that they have hit with ball bearings fired from these catapults. 


From not only a policing point of view but a personal point of view this is disgusting behaviour and has previously lead to arrests after the ball bearing hitting property or other people. I encourage you if you have young children or younger siblings/friends to ask them if they own a catapult, know someone who does or are on one of these social media groups and ask them to stop, this is a crime and can be treated as such. 


We would like to thank all of the people who call in and report these incidents and as a result of this last night 4 young boys were stopped and a catapult was seized along with ball bearings. Please keep calling in with information via 999/101, the Kent Police website or anonymously through Crime Stoppers. 

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Message Sent By
Chad Maskell
(Kent Police, Police Constable, Maidstone Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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